Ask Noah: For all Your Information on the Noahide Code


Welcome to Ask Noah International

Guiding individuals, communities and the world to the Seven Commandments for Mankind

The Noahide (or Noachide) Code of Seven Commandments is known as the Seven Laws of Noah. It was given to Noah and his children after the flood. This assured Noah’s children, the pioneers of the new human race, that humanity would not degenerate into a jungle again. They prohibit (1) idolatry, (2) cursing G-d, (3) homicide, (4) forbidden relations, (5) robbery, and (6) eating meat that was taken from a still-living animal (cruelty to animals), and require (7) establishment of courts of justice. These commandments provide the guidelines for truly moral behavior, as the Divine Code that is the foundation of true morality.

We are dedicated to teaching about these commandments in the light of Torah. This includes insights on the nature of creation, and our important roles as individuals and community members. When we fulfill our potential within the context of this universal covenant, the creation is elevated to reach its goal. This makes the world into a beautiful gem – a place where G-d can (and will) dwell!

You can be a beacon of light to dispel the darkness.

Learn, live, and reach out to others with acts of goodness and kindness.


Study groups around the world, like the ones shown here, enjoy in-depth learning with books produced and published by Ask Noah International:

The 7 Noahide Commandments are A Moral Code to Unite All Mankind.

We invite your participation, and especially, your Acts of Goodness and Kindness to Pay it Forward!


To learn more about the Noahide Commandments and the far-reaching work of Ask Noah International, please visit our web site:


Our mission is to provide the highest quality resources for education in fundamentals, details, outlook, and practical observance of the eternal Seven Noahide Commandments that G-d gave through Noah. Collectively, these dimensions of Divine service for Gentiles are known as the Noahide Code. We encourage observance of the Seven Commandments by all Gentiles, for it is the true basis of a righteous and just society.

We gratefully welcome the modern-day religious tolerance and trend to greater freedom in many countries, which gives us the opportunity to help individuals, families and communities around the world to learn about the Noahide path. For it is by learning and observing these Divine commandments, which were renewed by transmission to Moses from G-d at Mount Sinai, that you will make an increasingly personal connection with G-d and His unbounded goodness.

You may click on these book cover images to learn more about our major publications from their pages on our web site:

Sheva Mitzvot Hashem: A Shulchan Aruch for the Noahide Code  perfect-the-world.jpg 7gates-blu.jpg

Our goal and our mission is that all humankind will be openly connected by a common moral responsibility to our Creator. This unity promotes peace and harmony among all people, with all doing their part to achieve the ultimate good: “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of G-d as water covering the sea bed” (Isaiah 11:9).

You may click the following links to visit Ask Noah’s pages on Facebook:

Our charitable organization page

The Divine Code

Seven Gates of Righteous Knowledge

Prayers, Blessings and Principles of Faith for Noahides

To Perfect the World

Here is a sampling of educational video resources from Ask Noah:

Video Course: Secrets of Noah’s Ark, Parts 1-5: CLICK HERE

Passover Video for Noahide Assembly, 20’17: CLICK HERE

Enjoy our theme-song video! CLICK HERE