Iris Ziff Pirchesky – Co-Founder One World Blue, LLC


The One World Blue Corporation is honored to have many diversified advisors that have helped throughout the many years of bringing this network to life, give guidance, support and encouragement and also most importantly their very much needed heartfelt prayers for the success of the corporation to move forward.

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Iris Pirchesky, mother and respected counsel of the founder of One World Blue, Joel Pirchesky, has been an advocate and teacher of the special needs for over 25 years working with art therapy and counseling.

A Heartfelt Message of Gratitude from the CEO

Thank you Mom for everything you have done for me and this corporation. Thank you for Standing by me when no one else would. Thank you for telling me so long ago that Lion Heart will succeed. Thank you for telling me “Do not jump off a sinking ship”, in the many years ago when I could not understand the work I knew I was being led to do but could not see the fruits. “Those who tearfully sow will reap in glad song. He who bears the measure of seeds walks along weeping, but will return in exultation, a bearer of Sheaves.” Psalm 126

It was also only to me fully understood what you meant when our dear friend and also advisor, Tempa Lama, told me as well, that there is an old saying, “When the ship seems like it is sinking, the first to scurry are the mice. But the captain always stays with the ship”.

This ship, thanks to Glory to Heaven as well as Respect and Honor to the many esteemed advisors the corporation has had for so many years, is not by any means in this position now, nor will it be so in the future. We have now become a worldwide movement for Good on this Earth.

Thank you so very very much for everything. May you be forever blessed and may the Almighty Grant you all of your wishes for Good. May you continue to inspire others and have the blessings to continue your work in doing good deeds for others and being one of Heaven’s Esteemed Helpers here on Earth.

Faithfully forever, With Love and Gratitude

Your son,

Joel Pirchesky


Founder and CEO of One World Blue, LLC


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Iris has a degree in psychology and art therapy and completed an internship at the Western Pennsylvania school for the deaf and school for the blind. Iris has worked with many types of disabilities, among them have been cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injured, the vision and hearing impaired, mental health clients, intellectually challenged individuals, and her specialty being individuals on the Autism spectrum. She has helped countless individuals with her warmth and caring. She currently works with special needs at a teen center.

Iris provides with her skills, art therapy, music therapy, expressive therapy, movement therapy and meditation and guided imagery. She has created a CD for meditation and healing which is available for purchase. It is entitled A Meditation of Prayers and Healing and is available by contact with her at

[email protected]

Iris’s Guided Imagery and Meditation for Healing, Love and Peace

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