Blupela One World Blue Media Presents The Return of Jimi -Rise of Aquarius Film Release on the 50th Year Anniversary of Jimi’s Death UK Premiere
Naftali Ziff Pirchesky was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His strive for achievement was seen throughout his early education in his continual academic performance
The Pacific Island of Guam was settled by the second quarter of the 2nd millennium BCE by an Indonesian-Filipino people. Spain officially claimed the island
Trauma becomes not about what has happened to you but rather how you and your body responded to what happened to you. Below is an incredible and candid discussion with Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, a pioneer In approaching trauma for the last 50 years. May we all be blessed to listen with ears of hope, resolve, compassion, and redemption!
These are all bands and artists out of Pittsburgh; there is so much music to see/hear in PGH! Enjoy!
Japanese culture goes back thousands of years with influences from China including its writing system and influences from Korea and Buddhism and yet Japan became
Manta rays are found in warm water along continents and islands. They are flatter and wider than long and have fins that look like wings.